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Fumikazu Miyamoto / Mr.

Born in 1965 and brougt up in Osaka.
Having concentrated on classical music since he was ten ears old when he first heard Carmen of Bizet, he wrote his first duet for flute and piano in an age of eleven. In continuation of an amateur band activity in high school, he resumed composing by self-education while in college. At present, awakened to the great ability of expression of a synthesizer, he is playing an active part as a composer not only in orchestral but also in various types of music.

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Ryoichi Matsumoto / Mr.
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Born in Miyazaki Pref. in 1971 and brought up in Osaka.
Starting a guitar in an age of fifteen, he had concentrated on 60’s to 70’s rock music, blues and R&B and taken part in many bands during his teens. He made a lonely voyage to Okinawa in an age of twenty to play in a live house until he had turned back to Osaka two years later. Getting familiar with classical and jazz music in his suspension of musical activities, he resumed with a plan of Idea Music in twenty-five. After that he had been engaged in producing and arranging the works of many musicians while composing his own ones with a synthesizer and a PC.
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Kaori Matsumoto / Ms

Born in 1970 and brought up in Tokushima Pref. in Shikoku Island.
Still we can find pilgrims in white around her simple and beautiful birth town in a country side of Shikoku Island, in which the people are keeping great faith to Buddha from old times. Having enjoyed a chorus since she was a young girl, she met Noh while in college. Learning Yokyoku the Noh song and Shimai the Noh dance, she had concentrated on a very unique sense of beauty not found in western music. Then for years in a choir having experienced western religious music, she has made up her own outlook of music while being awaken to her spiritual identity as a hymn composer with a fountain of inspiration.

Copyright 2004 IDEA-LIZE,Co.